As I described in my previous photos post, I had an amazing time with Ashley. She drank my piss while we played “house and storm,” and then she danced for me under the moonlight while shooting an enema from her ass.
There was piss and poetry.
There was filthy ass water and the play of a light wand winding through the dark trees.
There was silliness as I tried to get Ashley to cackle like a witch in the wood and she couldn’t do it.
There were all kinds of tension and hotness as we roamed about a vast tract of land in the California canyons, coming up with things to do under the sun and stars.
Much of it is captured on a new camera I’m using with an anamorphic lens. The work is getting better. Still some imperfections as I develop my techniques, but no one has ever shot real domination without a script with this kind of gear in these kinds of conditions, so I’m proud to share this little film with you.
NOTE THAT THIS FILM COVERS ONLY OUR DAYTIME ACTIVITIES. The enema, dancing, poetry reading, and some anal play with dildos from our night time time activities will be in Ashley’s next update. There was too much to include all at once. For art’s sake, and because I couldn’t help myself, THE TRAILER CONTAINS SOME MATERIAL FROM BOTH THIS MOVIE AND THE NEXT CLIP THAT WILL BE RELEASED SOON. Those clips will also contain much more than shown here, so you’re not being hoodwinked. There will actually be lots more coming with Ashley!
1.58 GB | 2048 x 858 | mp4 | 00:38:55

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