BrutalMaster – Blossom – Hung Up in HELL! Episode II So Much Blood (06.09.22)

They say the sequel is never as good as the original but that is simply not true in this case. This is part two of Blossom Hung Up In HELL! and it is even more intense than part one. Of course, this is not really a sequel, the agony is merely continuing for Blossom.

As you can see, the cunt is now bleeding from her hooked udders. In fact, we call this episode “So Much Blood,” because the whore is literally dripping blood onto the dungeon floor.

Once down from the suspension, she is made to pick up the suspension bar using the hooks still in he udders. During all this the piece-of-shit is whipped with the lethal Asmodeus Whip, by far the most brutal whip in HELL!

No brutal torture of this nature is complete without the bitch’s own blood used to illustrate exactly what she is. This cunt actually winds up rolling her fact in her own bloody pool to further her own humiliation and degradation. And just a reminder, this was all Blossom’s sick idea.

Someone described all this as classic BrutalMaster and we have to agree, Blossom is a classic masochistic cunt in Hung Up In HELL! So Much Blood.

1.44 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:20:10

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BrutalMaster – Blossom – Hung Up in HELL! (06.02.22)

Blossom in back in HELL! and this time brutality reigns. So we are clear, this entire ordeal was this bitch’s idea and her idea was simple.

Be hung by her (stupid small) tits via steel hooks.

When the cunt suggested this we just looked at her and said.

“Sure, that might be mildly amusing.”

Making worthless meatholes suffer, bleed, beg, and cry is pretty much what we call Tuesday in HELL!

But this is special because anytime we have a cunt debase herself by suggesting some extreme abuse, we just love that. By now you know there is not much this piece of meat won’t do, won’t suffer, won’t beg for. That is what it means to be a Slave of HELL! and that is what Blossom has become.

She confides to us that HELL! is the one place she knows she belongs and that says everything about this worthless cunt.

1.54 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:21:33

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Torture Galaxy / TG2Club Anita 81

Cruel piercing of boobs and labia with needles and hooks.
Hardcore episode in the excellent traditions of pain play from TortureGalaxy, Master Serpent, Anita!

227 MB | 500 x 376 | mp4 | 00:28:00

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