Painting Fences – Rachel Greyhound – 05.25.20

Greyhound has done many chores and tasks around the Ranch and this time she showcases her domestic skills outside by painting the fence in the horse corral! After heading outside our little creature kneels naked in hard dirt and rubs sunscreen all over herself before squat presenting in her heels in the hard dirt of the corral. Greyhound begins her tasks by clearing out the corral and is able to laugh at herself as she takes a small tumble in the process then grabs a can of paint and a brush and applies a fresh coat of white paint to corral fence and even decides to playfully paint herself in this fun outdoor chore stream!

373 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:44:43


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Brendas Bound – Farm Hand


After XXXX on what had happened today with that bitch of an inspector He had an idea. He needed a good farm hand to help clean up all his junk in the yard. That morning he goes and gets the bitch and puts her in some work clothes. He works her all day cleaning up around the farm. Paying special attention to the goat stalls.At the end of the day it was time to put her up again. This time was different. She had done such a good job in the stalls and the goat shelter that she would just XXXX there for the night. He puts her down in the fresh hay that covered the goat manure. Hogties her and has her work her way back in the shelter for the night.

134 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:08:47


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Brendas Bound – She Was Ready To Go

Bera joateko prest zegoen. Kanpoan nengoen teilatua eta erretenak garbitzen saiatzen. Bere normala puta bat izaki atera zen. Ni prest ez nengoelako joaten hasi zen. Nahikoa zela uste nuen. Bero handia egiten zuen eta hori entzuteaz nekatuta nengoen. Ondo lotzen dut eskailerara. Gaga handi bat sartu zuen ahoan eta atera titi handiak Floridako eguzkia hartzeko. Denbora gutxi igaro zen tonua aldatu arte.

155 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:10:01


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Brendas Bound – The Bosses Daughter Paid The Price For Firing His Secretary

Being a secretary for a high powered law firm is not always a cake walk. These guys think they can get away with anything. She always did what she was told. She even wore the short skirts and super high heels with low cut blouses like they asked. One day she was called to the office to talk to the main attorney. He made advances that she didn’t like. He ordered her to make him a drink and when she walked over to the cabinet he touches her bottom. That was it. She couldn’t take no more. She tells him that this isn’t right and she could see a sexual law suit coming. It infuriated the boss that his secretary would do this to him. He fires her on the spot. She is mad as hell and tells him you bastard, you will pay for this.
Knowing he has a young daughter she comes up with a plan to make him pay for his actions. Over the next few days she watches his daughter to get a schedule of what she is doing and the best way to take her. At 3:30 everyday she walks home from school. She has to pass through an area where there is know other houses. She finds a spot to park and wait for her to come buy. Right on schedule she comes walking up the street. She comes up from behind her and has her. She drags her behind some trees blocking any site from the road. She strips her down to her bra and panties leaving her sneakers on. Using an old rag she cleave gags her and ties her hands. She stuffs her in the trunk of her car and tells her to get comfortable because she has a long ride ahead of her. Her plan was in place.
After a long ride she arrives at an old warehouse that sets way back off the road. She drives down into the drive way. The girl is screaming and kicking to get out. She stops the car and opens the truck. The hot sun blinds the girl. She tells her to shut up as she grabs the rope and pulls her out of the truck. She ties her to the back of the car. Removing her cleave gag the girl begs her to let her go. The women says you should talk to your dad about that as she shoves a large ball gag in her mouth. The women gets back in her car and drives further down onto the property pulling the young girl behind. As they come around a group of trees she stops. The girl manages to get the rope loose and tries to escape. But the women catches her as she rounds the car.

1.36 GB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:38:21


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For All Of You Cobie Fans

This clip with Cobie was shot several years ago, and one that I never planned to release, as the quality is poor. Several fans of Cobie have written and coaxed me into releasing it, so here you go. The sound quality is terrible… lots of wind noise and other weird noises(camera or operator?). The clip was poorly planned on my part and kind of a complete cluster fuck, but Cobie is in it! I tie Cobie up and then tie her neck to her knees, before embarking on a trip to the horse. I untie her legs, cut off her shorts and panties and lift her onto the wooden horse. Her neckrope is tie to a stake in the ground out in front and then her ankles are tied out to the sides. Cobie does not last much longer after this and the clip abrubtly ends.

1.20 GB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:24:03


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Shima 106


BDSM, Cruelty, Torture, Restraint, Hardcore, Humiliation, Enema, Outdoor, Abuse

5.39 GB | 1280 x 720 | wmv | 01:16:00


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Shima 104


BDSM, Cruelty, Torture, Bizarre, Restraint, Hardcore, Humiliation, Enema, Outdoor, Abuse

5.22 GB | 1280 x 720 | wmv | 01:13:33


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Download file – part2
Download file – part3
Download file – part4