197 MB | 500 x 376 | mp4 | 00:24:25
Insex – 2001.06.25 – Betty’s Toe Tug (Betty, 411)
When I arrived the day of my live feed I was sick with nervousness – it wasn’t a bad feeling – but as the day went on I was completely taken over by my nerves. I had no idea what to expect. When I finally got dressed, my ankles and wrists bound in metal and my head in the metal mask I became very calm. I stopped thinking about everything else and just listened to myself breath – and tried to be aware of all the different sensations – good or bad that I was feeling.
1.75 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 01:15:45
Insex – 2001.04.23 – Hook & Boot (Live Feed From April 21th, 2001) Yx, 411
Here I was, back for yet another show. While I felt the usual excitement, I also felt quite nervous. There were so many of my past successful shows to ‘top.’ Pd heightened my nervousness by locking me into this complicated metal-bondage setup and torturous metal boots. Maybe it wasn’t so bad though.at least for this show I would be relieved of the anxiety that I usually felt during the beginning of a show. Normally, I think about all those watching and it makes me fidgety.
1.20 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 00:51:16