[AXDVD-0375] 熟女●教 針刺し・鞭打ち・浣腸・天井吊り / Mature woman teaching Needle pricking, whipping, enema, hanging from ceiling

BDSM, SM, Cruel Expression, Restraints, Nasty, Hardcore, Humiliation, Enema, Abuse, Mature Woman


A mature woman wearing a Tengu mask is raped and repeatedly whipped in Japanese clothes! The master binds the girlfriend’s legs apart with a bamboo stick, puts clips on both of her nipples, and uses an electric massager! “Hold on until I feel good!” A woman who gave me an enema is raw! The master binds her stretched out on a bamboo hanging from the ceiling and stabs her in the chest with a needle! A mature woman is given an enema with stream water! Big tits tied up and whipped! Hanging upside down from the ceiling and being tortured by light bulb heat! Whipping with outdoor candle torture! The buttocks are attacked with blowguns and needles!

1.40 GB | 640 x 480 | mp4 | 01:39:23

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Graias – Picture Of Obedience – Part 4

Soon she will be released free but Mia has another painful path to walk on now. After all those terrible torments on her pussy, butt and soles, in the final part of the serial Dr Lomp decides to punish the poor slave girl on her hot natural tits. Mia will be secured through the iron bars, her wrists will be cuffed up next to her head, and cute tits will be open for the proper strokes. The instrument of the painful punishment will be a special paddle, which is vertically torn in two parts. When the talented master hits on her tits, the torn paddle will cause a doubled pain. Watch this last part of the serial and enjoy it while the poor slave girl Mia suffers and screams.

1.14 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:15:39

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Graias – Stay Tougher To Win – Part 1

This is the tale of two babes who are both in need of money urgently. The only way to get the money they dream of is staying tougher than the other. Diana is more experienced than her competitor, since she has been receiving Dr Lomp extreme torments for one year. Kate is a newbie, at first sight, however she is an athlete, and she is used to getting hard strokes all over her body. Both girls have quite confidence for themselves, and both are determined to endure the punishments to get the money. This will be a long and dreadful path for them, and they know this. The talented master knows the weakest points of each poor girl, and never seems to let them win without tears dropping on their cheeks. Pick your side, and watch the movie and let your side win.

1.15 GB | 3840 x 2160 | mp4 | 00:20:36

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BrutalMaster – Lita Lecherous – Meet The Prison Strap (12.05.23)

Watch for a little something special after the closing credits

It has been a while since we’ve seen Lita Lecherous in HELL!, but that is about to change, you will be seeing much more of this (literal) whore coming up. For now, this is the cunt’s introduction to agony with the Prison Strap. To put it bluntly, this piece of meat absolutely deserves to suffer torture, she freely admits that herself.

She loves dressing like a slutty little bitch, a tease if you will, and then showing her tits and tongue and and ass to everyone. The agony she experiences at the hands of BrutalMaster is etched on her pretty, whore face. Is there anything more beautiful that a tortured, degraded cunt with her makeup running down her cheeks, crying and begging? We didn’t think so.

How many cocks have been in that mouth, up that ass, destroying that used cunt? Who knows, suffice to say the bitch knows what she is and what she is good for and suffering pain, torture, humiliation, degradation are high on that list.
By the end, Lita is completely destroyed and she admits she will pretty much do anything BrutalMaster tells her.

This is a piece of meat, this is a whore, this is Lita Lecherous Meeting the Louisiana Prison Strap

3.17 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:23:33

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[AXDVD-0374] 人妻メス●●21 鞭打ち・蝋責め・電流嬲り / Married Female ●●21 Whipping, Wax Torture, Electric Torture

BDSM, SM, Cruel Expression, Restraints, Nasty, Hardcore, Humiliation, Urination/Incontinence, Enema, Abuse


He takes his young wife out to a ruin, puts her mouth in cuffs and hooks her nose, and makes her urinate while walking the dog with one leg up! Tied both hands to a rope hanging from the ceiling and tortured with electric current with a low frequency massager and a light bulb heat torture! She is given an enema with a water pressure device and can’t hold back and defecates into a fishbowl! The master uses a very thick dildo to attack the young wife who is hanging from the ceiling! The master uses his whip to remove the clothespins stuck inside the woman’s body! A woman who is tied up with chains, heated with a light stick, and has a candle dripped all over her body as a bonus! A wife in Japanese clothes is hung from the ceiling and repeatedly whipped! A wife in Japanese clothes who is tied up with bamboo sticks and exposed to flames and blowgun needles! Whipping with legs spread upside down from the ceiling! The woman in the rubber mask gets a lot of water put into her anus with a hose enema and she can’t hold back and squirts a lot of water while still in her pussy! Enema and whipping outdoors!

1.40 GB | 640 x 480 | mp4 | 01:42:54

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[AXDVD-0370] 縄●7 鞭・電流・浣腸・針責め / Rope 7 Whip, electric current, enema, needle torture

BDSM, SM, Cruel Expression, Restraints, Hardcore, Humiliation, Nasty, Enema, Abuse


The master spanks her ass and fucks her in the doggy style.. The woman becomes incontinent if she is restrained in a cross position and is whipped and tortured with an electric massager! She is tied up with spider webs and urinated, and the master’s urine is injected back into her empty bladder! Tied to the table and teased with electric current using a low frequency massager! She is tied to a pillar and her ass is attacked with a blowgun, and as a bonus, her chest is stabbed with many hypodermic needles! After strong anal masturbation, an enema is given and anal fuck is done! Tied her hands behind her back and played with her anus with a dildo! The master spreads his anus in Cusco, shines a light on it, and looks into his rectum! Anal fuck after whipping!

2.75 GB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 01:31:47

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Whipped On Perch – 03.13.23

In a great blast from the past, we open up the Bondage Life vault and bring you, “Whipped On Perch.” In this classic, Greyhound finds herself bound and mounted on a hard perch with no way to free herself, watch as her Owner Jackson teases and torments her with a cattle prod then adds weights to her nipples before things wrap up with our obedient Greyhound kneeling the present position!

338 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:54:34

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BrutalMaster – Blossom – Dehumanized Whipping (11.23.23)

de·hu·man·ize /dēˈ(h)yo͞oməˌnīz/

: to deprive (someone or something) of human qualities, personality, or dignity: such as
a: to subject (someone, such as a prisoner) to inhuman or degrading conditions or treatment
b: to address or portray (someone) in a way that obscures or demeans that person’s humanity or individuality
c: to remove or reduce human involvement or interaction in (something, such as a process or place)

What do we mean by dehumanized? Well, to put it bluntly, we mean taking away any vestige of Blossom’s humanity and personhood. It means making this cunt into nothing more than an object, a pain object to be precise.

You can see by her abject posture, that it knows it is no longer human. After all, who would so thoroughly destroy a human being like this anyway? No, this kind of thing can only happen to a thing.

Blossom comes to HELL! over and over because this is the one place that this piece of shit is treated as it should be.

What these photos do not show is the noises this cunt makes when the torture intensifies, it does not sound human at all, it sounds like some sort of guttural object hoping to survive just a few more moments.

Blossom deserves this, just ask the bitch. Blossom needs this, not that we care what the cunt needs. Blossom craves this and you are witness to the utter degradation of this object.

Blossom Dehumanized Whipping, enjoy seeing the destruction of this meat.

2.67 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:19:53

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BrutalMaster – Slave Filth – The Three Hat Game (11.16.23)

Shall we play a game?

Keep in mind, this ordeal was Slave Filth’s idea, completely.

The game: There are three hats and each contains several cards. One hat has various implements of torture and punishment written on the cards. The next hat has specific parts of the cunt’s body written on the cards and the third had has various numbers written on the cards. Along with all that, there are a few wild cards thrown in.

You know where this is going, Filth will pull one card from each hat to determine what she is beaten with, where she is beaten, and how many strokes are involved. All this until a certain number of strokes overall are meted out.

Tits, ass, cunt, legs, they are all targets and they are all brutalized.

To say that this wound up being so much more intense, painful, and degrading than Filth had imagined would be an understatement. You can see that by the agony on her face as she sobs, screams, with snot running from her nose. By the end of the game she was a broken mess kneeling on the floor.

Did the bitch win? No, of course not. The cunts never win in HELL!.

Slave Filth and The Three Hat Game.

3.92 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:29:08

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BrutalMaster – SufHer – Prison Strap Bitch (11.07.23)

She is only a hundred pounds, all suffering meat

New Meat in HELL! how we love to say those words because they mean another cunt has found herself where she knows she belongs, suffering at the hands of BrutalMaster in the bowels of HELL!

Meet SufHer. If you ask her what she is, without hesitation she will tell you she is a cunt.

She contacted BrutalMaster, asking to “redeem” her ticket to HELL! She came to the right place.

The little bitch (5’5″ and 103 lbs) was strung up and introduced to the Prison Strap in her first outing. She had already been worked over a bit, but the strap really put the lovely touches you see on her ass and thighs. What the photos don’t show is the sound she makes at the utter agony she is experiencing.

The name BrutalMaster gave the bitch, SufHer, is because one of the first things she said when asking to come to HELL! was, “i deserve to suffer.”

You will be seeing a lot more of this little piece of meat in the coming months, but you are surely going to enjoy seeing this cunthole suffer right now, just for you.

SufHer is a Prison Strap Bitch and New Meat in HELL!

2.89 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:21:30

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