Hu Cow Test – Sweetie Plum

Young Sweetie Plum emailed us if she could be a HuCow. Of course! Anyone can come to the barn and try if they want to belong to the herd. But when she arrived, Sweetie wasn’t so sure anymore. She nervously touched the big collar and the nipple clamps that were waiting for her, next to her contract. And there was a pink buttplug and some lube too! We could see her doubt, but after a brief moment she actually signed the contract! There was no way back now. Sweetie stripped naked and waited for things to come.
What a cute body she has! First step was to insert the jewel butt plug, which she did without being asked. It seems she understood what she came for. With the collar and nipple clamps added, she presented herself for inspection. Sweetie looked so proud!
Soon, she was led into the barn, crawling on all fours, leashed by the farmer. After some more inspection, she was instructed to climb onto the milking frame, where she got strapped in tight. Such a small body with cute udders! Sweetie was still smiling, excited at the thought of getting milked and vibrated. The magic wand was turned on, which she REALLY enjoyed. A ballgag was added, and then the milking machine came in!! Sweetie moaned hard when the full sucion power was applied to her nipples. More painful at first than she had anticipated, but the magic wand helped her to get over the initial shock. With a nice long hard session, the farmer got her used to the machine. Tiny Sweety was exhausted after her milking. It was definitely what she had been looking for, but will she join the herd, or was it just a challenge for her? We will see if she comes back!

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Thiccy Niccy – udder press

Thiccy Niccy is one of the resident Hu Cows here and she gets treated well. Regular massages and milkings, in addition to free accommodation and food! What more could a devoted HuCow want! Niccy is beautiful, with her pierced septum and pierced nipples. Today, she gets to try a new milking position: the standing frame. A new device is locked onto her (it locks in the back): the udder press! This clamps her beautiful udders flat in a permanent squeeze which will help maintain pressure on her udders for milking. The farmer oils her skin as always, and then the electronic breast training machine with goat milker cups is put to work, extending those pierced nipples to at least double size! To stimulate her even more, a magic wand is running continuously between her legs, increasing her hormone production (but making it very hard to remain standing). Soon, we will get milk from Niccy, we just know it! We just have to keep up her daily routine!

875 MB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:08:01

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InfernalRestraints – Spacegirl – Existentialism (INSEX – Remastered) (01.01.22)

“As we sat at our computers around the world we saw a young woman being tortured. We saw her stripped naked. She was put into a frame and she was caned. Hard, brutal strokes, leaving vicious looking weals. She screamed repeatedly. She begged for the caning to stop. But the assault on her helpless body continued. And then what happened later? She was in this big copper sink, half submerged in water, unable to hear anything, unable (as she told us later) to see anything except for the light above. Being repeatedly shocked with electricity, never with any warning. At times a wet cloth was put over her face and she couldn’t breathe. She was helpless, in pain and very frightened. At least one regular member had to stop watching because *he* couldn’t take it any more.

And yet afterwards this same young woman was sitting in the chat, positively bouncing in her chair, and she didn’t need to tell us how good she had found the show, it was so obvious from her laughs and smiles. She was really proud of herself for taking that caning; she had broken through a personal barrier and her wonderful sense of achievement was there for us all to see. And her bath in the copper sink? She had enjoyed it all!” – Ghost

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InfernalRestraints – Catherine De Sade – Piss Bucket (INSEX – Remastered) (12.22.21)

It began in 2007. She came through the studio door primed and ready. She even choose her nom de plume as the signature statement for what she craved. “Catherine De Sade” Its now 2009 and I’m ready. I have a few choice pieces that she will have a ride in. The first is the “throne” crafted out of Hemlock pine. Its composition is ideal for hand tools and I wanted to build with only mortise, tenons, pegs, and wedges for joinery. As a theatrical requirement this allowed it to be completely disassembled for transport. She is lead to the throne with her head tightly laced in a hand crafted leather hood with only nose holes. This will increase the excitement that she craves. Catherine loves to scene and does not want to know what is coming. She can always signal a stop – but I don’t recall her ever doing so. A real enthusiast is a deep challenge for a handler, especially layered with the recording process. Fortunately these cleaver hand crafted devices will offer great support. On the throne the shackles grip her ankles tightly. She will not be able to close her legs. For those areas that are not accessible the throne is lined with sharp pegs that will enhance her squirm. She waits. After a couple of hours of abandonment in the throne she will crave any attention. It begins – shots of the single tail on her exposed pubes. The trust and intimacy that well played BDSM scenes offer is beyond all accolades. Many come back for more.

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InfernalRestraints – Erika Kole – Body Bag Fuck (11.15.21)

To control the breath is to control the entire person. Every thought, movement, and emotion everything becomes focused on one thing only. Air.
In his mind, she’s really not even a she. It’s an object, black, zipped into latex with a bubblehead. Only her lips can be seen. This is how you know it’s human. By the lips. He hoists up this black body-like object by the ankles. An inflatable gag plugs that single opening, the one through which we see her lips. Her breath wheezes in and out through a small tube. Moisture condenses. Drool slowly obstructs her one link with the outer world. A vibrator’s zipped into the latex bag, humming against her pussy. She comes. Alone.
She’s naked now. We can see she’s a she, her ankles spread wide. He whips her back and ass, wrapping the tip of the whip toward her pussy and cunt. Then he turns her over and whips her other side. She comes very quickly when she’s fucked with Mr. Pogo. He intensifies the position and plunges his hand in her cunt. The cunt sucks at him, trying to pull him in. She comes again.
Now seated, U-bolts lock down her thighs. A metal band tight around her waist matches the Garrote at her throat, keeping her plastered to the post. Mr. Pogo fucks her mouth, then her ass. As the vibrator purrs in her pussy, she begs to come. Afterward, her pussy’s open and loose, unfurled.
Vacuum tubes suck her breasts, distending her nipples. Her vacuumed pussy grows huge and bright red. After facing a sadistic and twisted PD, Erica’s happy and playful, wagging her tongue at world.

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Nina brings Nelly back to the barn!

Remember one of our initial HuCows, Nelly? She was here around 5 years ago! We lost track of her, until we received an email from her friend Nina, who had seen Nelly on this website. She said Nelly needed to return!! And we agreed of course. Nina brought Nelly back to us, and we are very happy to see those incredible natural udders again! The submissive but reluctant Nelly was very scared, as her previous experiences had been hard on her. This is why we let Nina be the farmer in this session. On one condition: we wanted Nina to go topless. This way we could secretly inspect Nina’s udders as well. Because Nina wants to be a farmer more often on this website, but we are definitely thinking about adding her to the herd. What do you think?

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Manuela – breeding

Manuela is one of our MILF HuCows, a HuCILF, and she has found the place she always desired. Her transition from secretary to HuCow went so smooth, she is very submissive and at this point she actually NEEDS her regular milking sessions to be happy. Even though she doesn’t need it, the farmer still binds and gags her every time. This session, she is chained to the milking frame on all fours, ready for the electronic breast training machine with goat milker cups. It will double her nipple size, Manuela knows that already. The farmer spanks her and then he gets behind her, turning this milking into a breeding session. Milked and fucked at the same time, a gagged Manuela lets out some clear ‘moo’ sounds. Yes, she definitely loves her new life!!

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