RealTimeBondage – Cherry – Cherry Popping 2 (11.02.22)

The night before the shoot, right before I went to bed, I started getting a little nervous. It was 5:00 in the a.m., and I was a bit tired. “Cherry,” I told myself, “you just need some sleep to restore your mind to its natural state.” I took my own advice, and upon awakening, felt much better; I was actually excited for the show.

You see, I’m usually the dominant one; I am a professional domina. I did have one lover three years ago whom I switched with, but that was about the extent of my excursions into submission. And he was nowhere near as severe or experienced as pd. So the prospect of being on the receiving end of the pain to such a qualified top made me shiver with anticipation.

10:00 pm came rather quickly. Standing there in front of the cameras, knowing that you were all watching, anticipating the show as much as I was made me extremely excited. I am an exhibitionist by nature, so the thought of so many eyes on me was very pleasing.

As I was made to stand on one leg, arms tied behind my back, I felt my body begin to weaken. My mind soon followed suit. I began to tremble. I wondered if my leg would buckle under the strain? It was such a relief when I was allowed to switch to the other leg. (Thanks!)

When I saw the ball gag coming, I was not a happy camper; I don’t exactly like my jaw feels when wearing one. But that was nothing – the real challenge came with the addition of the 10 LB weight. I had to suffer through it or rip out my nipple rings. And then came the first of many tears. I started to feel very surrendered. I was heading into the sub zone. Holding the weight with my mouth was the worst part for me since it was constant strain, not staggered like the forthcoming electric play or caning.

Electricity is something that I had never experienced, but have often masturbated to. I shared this secret with Pd immediately wondering if I had made a mistake. Thanks to Ghost’s lovely suggestion, I got to straddle a copper pole, trying like hell not to touch it. As it grazed my inner thighs I thought, “This isn’t so bad.” But when it hit my inner labia I shrieked – it was a very intense pain. But the endorphins it released in me made the temporary pain worth it. I was also happy to be fulfilling one of my fantasies.

I’ve also thought about sewing my mouth shut. As a photographer, I thought it would make a cool visual, sort of a “speak no evil’ kind of motif. So we decided go with it. What I didn’t know was that there was to be an electric current attached to it. It wasn’t so bad in the mouth except when it hit my teeth – that felt really strange.

Next was what I call the “little dick” contraption. I felt very vulnerable shackled in like that with my engorged clit exposed for play. When I saw the vibrator in PD’s hand I was stoked. I knew I was gong to orgasm quickly. Not only was I way turned on, but my entire clit (which by most standards is pretty large) was available for manipulation. But I made a little mistake. I forgot to ask permission to come. I couldn’t believe it, as I make people beg for release all the time! Guess I’m not used to being on the begging end.

When he was finally done with me, I not only felt relieved, but very accomplished. I was done. I had gotten through it. No matter what I felt on Saturday night, I knew I had to deal with it, because I wanted to take it. I wanted to prove myself, to please you all, to make pd happy, and also make myself happy. Physical pain is temporal, fleeting. I learned this by getting so many tattoos. If something that you really want hurts you, your mind forces you to suffer through it. And you are stronger for having gotten through it.

All of your support during the show helped as well. Knowing that you were all enjoying my suffering, that you all thought it was beautiful, helped to carry me through it. Afterwards in the chat hearing from you all what a great job I did, offering me words of encouragement and support, made me feel like a million bucks. I was ecstatic.

1.27 GB | 3840 x 2160 | mp4 | 00:36:00

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RealTimeBondage – Cherry – Cherry Popping 1 (10.27.22)

The night before the shoot, right before I went to bed, I started getting a little nervous. It was 5:00 in the a.m., and I was a bit tired. “Cherry,” I told myself, “you just need some sleep to restore your mind to its natural state.” I took my own advice, and upon awakening, felt much better; I was actually excited for the show.

You see, I’m usually the dominant one; I am a professional domina. I did have one lover three years ago whom I switched with, but that was about the extent of my excursions into submission. And he was nowhere near as severe or experienced as pd. So the prospect of being on the receiving end of the pain to such a qualified top made me shiver with anticipation.

10:00 pm came rather quickly. Standing there in front of the cameras, knowing that you were all watching, anticipating the show as much as I was made me extremely excited. I am an exhibitionist by nature, so the thought of so many eyes on me was very pleasing.

As I was made to stand on one leg, arms tied behind my back, I felt my body begin to weaken. My mind soon followed suit. I began to tremble. I wondered if my leg would buckle under the strain? It was such a relief when I was allowed to switch to the other leg. (Thanks!)

When I saw the ball gag coming, I was not a happy camper; I don’t exactly like my jaw feels when wearing one. But that was nothing – the real challenge came with the addition of the 10 LB weight. I had to suffer through it or rip out my nipple rings. And then came the first of many tears. I started to feel very surrendered. I was heading into the sub zone. Holding the weight with my mouth was the worst part for me since it was constant strain, not staggered like the forthcoming electric play or caning.

Electricity is something that I had never experienced, but have often masturbated to. I shared this secret with Pd immediately wondering if I had made a mistake. Thanks to Ghost’s lovely suggestion, I got to straddle a copper pole, trying like hell not to touch it. As it grazed my inner thighs I thought, “This isn’t so bad.” But when it hit my inner labia I shrieked – it was a very intense pain. But the endorphins it released in me made the temporary pain worth it. I was also happy to be fulfilling one of my fantasies.

I’ve also thought about sewing my mouth shut. As a photographer, I thought it would make a cool visual, sort of a “speak no evil’ kind of motif. So we decided go with it. What I didn’t know was that there was to be an electric current attached to it. It wasn’t so bad in the mouth except when it hit my teeth – that felt really strange.

Next was what I call the “little dick” contraption. I felt very vulnerable shackled in like that with my engorged clit exposed for play. When I saw the vibrator in PD’s hand I was stoked. I knew I was gong to orgasm quickly. Not only was I way turned on, but my entire clit (which by most standards is pretty large) was available for manipulation. But I made a little mistake. I forgot to ask permission to come. I couldn’t believe it, as I make people beg for release all the time! Guess I’m not used to being on the begging end.

When he was finally done with me, I not only felt relieved, but very accomplished. I was done. I had gotten through it. No matter what I felt on Saturday night, I knew I had to deal with it, because I wanted to take it. I wanted to prove myself, to please you all, to make pd happy, and also make myself happy. Physical pain is temporal, fleeting. I learned this by getting so many tattoos. If something that you really want hurts you, your mind forces you to suffer through it. And you are stronger for having gotten through it.

All of your support during the show helped as well. Knowing that you were all enjoying my suffering, that you all thought it was beautiful, helped to carry me through it. Afterwards in the chat hearing from you all what a great job I did, offering me words of encouragement and support, made me feel like a million bucks. I was ecstatic.

1.24 GB | 3840 x 2160 | mp4 | 00:35:08

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BrutalMaster – Blossom – I Would Not Want To Be Her (02.01.24)

It is amazing what some bitches can endure

Under these circumstances, it is hard to believe anyone would want to be Blossom.except maybe Blossom. That is because this is torture, pure and simple. The cunt is in Strappado, a favorite in HELL!, but that is just the beginning. WIth her hands painfully chained behind and above her, the cunt’s ass is beaten and her nipples are clamped.

During all this, the piece-of-shit, whore reminds us that she is nothing but a piece of not-quite-human flesh that simply deserves the most intense, insane, and inhuman punishments all for merely being her.

And let’s not forget about it’s cunt, which is whipped until it looks like raw hamburger. This is an utter subjugation of a worthless piece of shit and it is all so you can enjoy the entertainment to its agony.

This is what it means to be in HELL!

Blossom, I Would Not Want To Be Her.

(We just just watched this again right before publishing it, and you won’t believe the agonized noises of pain and degradation this piece of shit makes, the only real way to describe them is despair, she clearly has not hope left, nothing but brutalizing, vicious pain, that is her whole world in this movie .so enjoy her abject suffering.)

3.09 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:23:01

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Kinkycore Betty from S.Master Session 760

197 MB | 640 x 360 | mp4 | 00:35:51

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InfernalRestraints – Cowgirl – The Pupa (INSEX – Remastered) (08.16.23)

For her final ordeal, cowgirl is hogtied securely with tape encasing her entire body except the head. PD forces her to watch as he pushes the button that activates the stim in her ass. He intensifies her fear, zipping a hood over her head so that she will not know when the next shock is coming. Sniffling and moaning, Cowgirl arches in agony as the currents shoot through her entire body.

1.72 GB | 3840 x 2160 | mp4 | 00:49:52

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BrutalMaster – SufHer – I’M A Cunt (01.26.24)

She Just Arrived In HELL! And She’s Already Strung Up

These are the first few moments of SufHer in HELL! for her first time. She crawled into the studio and strung up seconds later and then the whipping started. The cunt had never been whipped before, not like this. And during the ordeal when BrutalMaster asked her what she was, she simply replied, “I’m a cunt.”

And then she said it again.

And then it became a mantra, “I’m a cunt, I’m a Cunt, I’m a CUNT!” It almost sounded as if she was realizing it for the first time. But that couldn’t really be the case because clearly she always knew she is a cunt, why else would she be in HELL!, right?

Let’s not get too deep, Sufher is a cunt, and that is a good enough reason to work her over.

Stick around after the credits for a little extra behind the scenes look at the aftermath of the cunt’s torture.

SufHer, I’m a Cunt, enjoy!

3.89 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:28:49

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InfernalRestraints – Cowgirl & 822 – Cow Barn (INSEX – Remastered) (03.15.23)

My dreams curdle the night, the heavy, wet November night. Outside, the rustle of corn in the fields, silage of dreams, of a man’s want. And inside, my boner poking up against the sheet. Lightening far off, breaking out the night. The whispering of the house, conversations of ghosts. And the howls. That pack of dogs is come sniffing around the barn again. They always know when I got me another girl.

I got me two of them a couple days ago, their pussies ripe and glittery-wet like jewels, nipples as tight and hard as nuggets, cold enough to ripple the skin. November’s got a chill around these parts. When a girl shivers it bones me up fat and hard, strong enough to squirt.

Ripe pussy. Oh yes. You got to ripen a cunt. You don’t pick a cunt from the vine till it’s bursting, till it’s just perfect, young and tender and wide-eyed, with silky breasts and smooth white ass and oh those cold, tight tits that are enough to make you piss your pants. You grab that piece of pussy when she’s not looking, and stuff her mouth, and tape a plastic bag over her head. Then you tie her arms and legs so tight that pussy can’t wiggle a toe or twitch a finger. You make her hurt with rope.

Then you got to improve the flavor. You got to hang that pussy in the barn a day or two, let the ropes do their work. You tie your new pussy spread-eagle wide and tight, then cane her ass and those bulbous pale drupes, those pussy boobs. You spank and slap. You soften that pussy up.

Yep. That first night when I was lying here in bed, I could hear them both a-sobbing and moaning. That brought the dogs nosing the barn door, whining and clawing the padlock, scaring them two girls enough to make them cream, was my guess. I left the two of them up in the hay mow, one tied down on her back to a corn crib, the other dangling above so’s she’d piss the face of that younger brat. Oh she was a fighter, that one. But I wrung it out of her.

Yesterday a cold wind was running down through the west field. I tossed that cunt in the bucket of my tractor and drove her out to the rocks. I chained her legs spread wide, and then screwed a brank into that sassy mouth. When the dogs found her, I bet they had a party sniffing and licking and nipping at her all night long. I like the thought of them dogs sticking their wet snouts in her fancy girl crotch and humping her any which way.

That works like a charm. After a night of that, any piece of ass will do exactly as I want. I had already made those two cunts suck each other’s pussy. I hung one upside down against the other. I made them suck right, till both their faces was creamy and sticky and smelled like cunt.

I moved them around in the dark tonight. Dangled the one head down from the blade of my backhoe. Transporting of pussy is easy if you got yourself a decent tractor.

Why do I do it? Cause its lots of fun. Besides, it gets me hard, so hard my dick cracks a cunt like I’m a butcher and splitting a side of beef right smack down the middle.

Lying in bed and thinking about what I’ve been doing to them makes me even harder. I reach down beside the bed and jerk on a chain. Her head pops up, the one that had such a sassy mouth before. I still got her wrists and ankles tied so that she’s no trouble. There’s nothing worse than a troublesome piece of pussy. But she knows what to do now. I throw the quilt off my rock hard cock. Ah. Nice, warm girl mouth on my big pecker, the flicking of her tongue over the stiff head, her lips sliding up and down. She’s got a good mouth, this one, wide and deep enough for everything I got.

She’s getting there. Another night chained out to that rock and by god, she’ll fall all over herself to do anything I want. I’ll stuff my whole cock in her mouth and tell her to work that mouth and tongue like a good cunt is supposed to work. I’ll make her sleep with my balls in her mouth. And when I’m eating, I’ll have her kneel under the table and hold my cock in her mouth just to keep it warm and hard.

Ahh. Girl mouth and the heavy, wet night. Distant thunder. And when I come, bright lights, whispers in the walls and floors. Good ripe pussy. Soft pussy. Uncut silage rustling in the fields, silage of dream. Wet girl mouth, slick tongue, damp cunt ready and waiting.

1.53 GB | 3840 x 2160 | mp4 | 00:44:10

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InfernalRestraints – Cowgirl – Cow Cross (INSEX – Remastered) (02.02.23)

The harder he binds her, the quicker she cums. Crucified, taped, and electrified, cowgirl drips with desire in these truly “stimulating” shoots.
Rendered helpless with unyielding metal around her neck and wrists, she exhausts herself attempting to find a comfortable position. A metal bar spreads her legs, making the struggle even more difficult.

Wrists are locked to the center of the spreader, forcing cowgirl into a hunch. Fallen onto her back, she thrashes about, powerless to escape the dildo that penetrates her slippery cunt.
PD takes advantage of his captive’s vulnerable state, flogging her pussy and filling it with a hook. Reveling in her helplessness, cowgirl comes almost immediately with the touch of a vibrator.

In the next scene, she is impaled on a dildo, straddling a wooden beam. PD pulls her arms tightly together and binds them straight behind her back. Her legs are bent and secured, shifting her weight to her sensitive pussy. The vibrator distracts her from the painful predicament.

Fettered to a cross, cowgirl alternates between two torturous positions but finds little relief. Gasping and groaning, she straightens bent knees and lifts herself into an excruciating stand. PD antagonizes her further, dragging a copper wand across her milky skin. Back arched, body trembling, cowgirl tosses her head in horror at the unending torture.
She is then strapped down to a metal chair and thoroughly gagged for more abuse. PD buckles a rubber mask onto her head and flogs her tits and pussy while she struggles to breathe through a tiny tube.

A black hood is inflated around her head, the pressure squeezing tight. A vibrator affixed to the chair tortures cowgirl with pleasure as she is attacked with orgasms, one after the next. Even when PD removes the hood and frees her from bondage, she continues to writhe in ecstasy, overwhelmed with the intense sensations.

For her final ordeal, cowgirl is hogtied securely with tape encasing her entire body except the head. PD forces her to watch as he pushes the button that activates the stim in her ass. He intensifies her fear, zipping a hood over her head so that she will not know when the next shock is coming. Sniffling and moaning, cowgirl arches in agony as the currents shoot through her entire body.

1.69 GB | 3840 x 2160 | mp4 | 00:49:35

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InfernalRestraints – Cowgirl – Shopping (INSEX – Remastered) (01.26.23)

Cowgirl’s shopping excursion is cut short when she finds herself alone in a car at the hands of a mysterious man in black.

Immediately jumping into the backseat next to his target, PD manhandles cowgirl and restrains her with chains and cuffs. Quelling her pathetic protestations, he stuffs a rag in her mouth and secures it with tape. He takes advantage of her helplessness, unbuttoning her blouse and pulling up her suit skirt to fondle and grope as the car drives on.

The bound bombshell is delivered to a garage to be prepared for her new life as a subservient sex object and plaything. PD manhandles her out of the car and puts her on display in stockings and heels with ankles cuffed, wrist held overhead. After shoving a ball gag in her face, he lifts her into a wrist suspension. Dangling in agony, she promises to do anything to be let down. Lowered, she quivers precariously, balancing stockinged feet on a weighted ball.

Lifted midair once more, she is given a thorough, cold hose down. Drenched, miserable, she is cuffed into a metal chair with legs spread. A scrub brush completes the cleaning process, its rough bristles irritating her tender girl skin. With a rubber hood encasing her head, she is forced to sit and wait in anticipation of what her captor has in store.

His next evil plans leave her on her back on the floor with arms tied to bent, spread legs. He steps on her bound, bulging breasts then leaves her alone again, panting in terror.

Later, she is trained in toe shoes. Back arched, she spins gracefully on a single pointed foot. Wobbling awkwardly at times, she maintains her position, holding arms up and bent leg in attitude behind her back.

Grief-stricken, face covered in a leather hood, cowgirl stands with wrists and ankles cuffed while PD assembles his next evil device. Spread wide, she is fettered to a wooden X and pulled high into the air, exposing her pussy for Mr. Pogo’s penetration. Left hanging by herself, she takes the opportunity to pee.

Entrapped in a metal gibbet for another test, the defenseless victim is hung with legs held open, relentless steel digging into her limbs, abdomen, and cunt. PD beats her milky white ass and metal-bound tits then provides a brief moment of relief, vibrating her clit through its metal enclosure.

1.75 GB | 3840 x 2160 | mp4 | 00:50:57

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