Breaking Ground Part 2 – Rachel Greyhound – 06.08.20

It’s time for another round of hard labor at The Ranch! Our hole digging creature is back for round 2, after lathering her beautiful naked body up with sunscreen, Greyhound heads back outside for more hard labor. Watch as our little creature gets down and dirty while digging a second hole for the cell tower support wires, she sweats her way through this arduous task as she digs the hole and clears out shovels full of dirt. After working up a thirst, our filthy little creature fills up her dog bowl with water and slurps up her water then presents for the camera to end this great hard labor stream!

768 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:51:14


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Cage Time For Greyhound (Intense Edition) – Rachel Greyhound – 06.08.20

Greyhound is in her element when she finds herself hooded, bound and caged! In this lovely cage stream, our little creature finds herself in quite the predicament, with her sight taken away by a tight leather hood and her hands bound behind her back with multiple pairs of cuffs, Greyhound is left completely helpless and has no choice but to suffer through her bondage and languish in her cage. With her feet shackled and bound in her ballet splints only adding to her discomfort and suffering this is one great can’t miss bondage and cage stream!

281 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:39:28


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Greyhound’s Transition – Going Hairless – 06.02.20

In this special video, Greyhounds transition into a complete and total object continues. Watch as she is stripped of her beautiful long hair and has her head and eyebrows shaved completely smooth in this special life changing moment for both Owner and object. This is definitely a video you don’t want to miss. Relive this emotional step in Greyhounds journey.

281 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:34:47


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Greyhound Breaks Ground Part 1 – Rachel Greyhound – 06.01.20

It’s hard labor time at The Ranch! Always eager to please, our little creature eagerly agrees to dig some holes in the ground for support wires to be installed for the new cell tower on her property. After setting up the camera, a cuffed and shackled Greyhound gets down and dirty and works up a sweat as she grunts and groans her way through this arduous task, watch as she digs out shovel after shovel full of dirt and even gets down on her hands and knees to accomplish her task. Once the job is finally complete Greyhound hoses herself off then obediently presents down for the camera to end this great hard labor stream!

923 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:52:27


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Greyhound Puppy Transformation (Morning Rital Edition) – Rachel Greyhound – 06.01.20

In this lovely stream, our little creature performs her usual morning ritual with an added twist! After reading her rules, our little creature throws in a special twist to her usual morning ritual by engaging in a little puppy play. She cleans and licks her rubber butt plug and inserts into her ass, then happily buckles herself into a harness with her cute little puppy tail attached. After adding the matching chest harness Greyhound puts on a pair of black thigh high stirrup socks and leg warmers before adding the final touches to her outfit when she puts on a gorgeous leather puppy hood and cute matching puppy mitts. All dressed up and reading for fun, Greyhound wags her tail and shows off her playful puppy side for the camera!

193 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:48:04


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Painting Fences – Rachel Greyhound – 05.25.20

Greyhound has done many chores and tasks around the Ranch and this time she showcases her domestic skills outside by painting the fence in the horse corral! After heading outside our little creature kneels naked in hard dirt and rubs sunscreen all over herself before squat presenting in her heels in the hard dirt of the corral. Greyhound begins her tasks by clearing out the corral and is able to laugh at herself as she takes a small tumble in the process then grabs a can of paint and a brush and applies a fresh coat of white paint to corral fence and even decides to playfully paint herself in this fun outdoor chore stream!

373 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:44:43


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In The Barn – Rachel Greyhound – 05.25.20

In this great pony training stream our little creature finds herself tacked up and secured in the barn like a good girl! Greyhound has always had a fantasy of being a pony girl so this stream is right up her alley, tacked up in a pony harness, bit gag, elbow length gloves and a gorgeous pair of pony boots, our little creature prances around and winnies like a good little pony, with a sexy red mane and matching tail added to the mix this is one training stream you don’t want to miss!

354 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:39:51


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