Self Tit Nailing – Abby

This is Abby’s very first solo movie, she has never caused any pain for herself before not even on film or in her private life so this is a completely new experience for her. She is in love with the nails, the screws everything that can pierce her skin so her first solo session is about self-nailing. She is using the largest nails that she has found to attach her tits to a wooden beam by hammering them so eagerly that there is a look of ecstasy on her face. After that she spanks her belly with full strength while the beam is hanging on her tits and then she is taking a smoking break using her nailed down tits as an ash tray. In the end she has 3 orgasms while hanging upside down.

2.91 GB | 3840 x 2160 | mp4 | 00:27:29

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[SRD-095] 志摩紫光調教シリーズ 三穴責め / Tit Torture Series Three Hole Violet Light Shima

SM, BDSM, Cruel Expression, Training, Restraints, Hardcore, Humiliation, Outdoors, Enema, Abuse, Lesbian

323 MB | 720 x 480 | mp4 | 00:56:08

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[SVGD-002] 志摩GOLD90 4人の修羅 双女鞭針地獄 / Needle Bi-Shura Of Human Hell Whip Woman GOLD90 4 Shima

SM, BDSM, Cruel Expression, Restraints, Shibari, Nasty, Hardcore, Humiliation, Outdoors, Enema, Foreign Objects, Abuse

502 MB | 720 x 480 | mp4 | 01:26:50

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BrutalMaster – NA – Tit Nailing (10.09.23)

Watch the interview of this bitch after the video

This is by request – some PLATINUM Members asked BrutalMaster to work over a big-udder bitch, so here you are.

This is NA, New Meat in HELL!, and about as worthless a piece of shit as you might ever find. This object just deserves to misery and agony. As far as we are concerned, she is really nothing – you know, as her name indicates, *Not Applicable.* By the way, that is what she names herself, NA. Just a thing to torture and destroy.

Speaking of which, that is what happened to her two big painbags about 5 minutes after she arrived in HELL! That is how to goes sometimes, a bitch gets to HELL! and minutes later her fat udders are nailed to a board and then the fun begins.
This cunt made it clear she utterly deserves all the pain and degradation she can get, so we are more than happy to oblige.

This piece of shit is NA, welcome to HELL!, with your Nailed Tits, bitch.

4.87 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:36:14

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RealTimeBondage – Cowgirl – Marathon 4 (05.11.23)

He thinks of the Insex set as an autopsy room, where bodies are laid out, sliced, and cracked open. He thinks of the show as vivisection, as a method of discovery, every ounce of female flesh – a book. And her hair falling down about her throat, her painted lips and eyes, the endless fabric of young skin, her limbs, fingers, hair, cunt – a library. He studies her. He tests her endurance during the first hour with metal, the next hour with wrap after wrap of rope, and for the third hour, rubber. He weighs her down, ties her body into knots, encases her, then relents. After he is finished with the first torments, he begins. She is determined to survive the removal of layers, the loss of skin, the dissection of her outer layers. This is how he searches for that which he can not help but desire. Her. The gentle slope of her shoulders when her arms are bound back. Her eyes moist, like she’s a lake, an ocean, spilling out, overflowing, influenced not by him, or any man on earth. She is under the influence of the moon. Her cunt goes wet with wanting, the expectation of ropes. Her breasts are wrapped, those insatiable nippled fruits, prepped for their ordeal. They grow livid as the seconds pass, as the pressure grows, as the weight of her body hangs, and her purpled breasts are wrung dry. He is machination, hooks and pulleys, chain and rope. He is scalpels and tongs. He is forceps groping, grasping folds of flesh, mounded flesh – Her. He sucks her fluids, her scent of sex and want. He drinks her. His fingers dive inside of her, manipulate breasts. He splits her in two from her waist to her chin and begins a rapid excoriation of muscle and bone. He seals her in wax, preserving her labia and clitoris, that flower which he picks for his own pleasure. He lies her body, thrown open like a coat, upon a lotus floating dreamily above the devil’s fiery lake. Her. Skin. Lips. Breasts. Scented cunt. The minutes pass. Hours blossom and die. By the time that he is finished, smeared with her rapture, riveted, exhausted, he stands back. We can’t decide. Which one of the two of them has been most undone?

2.46 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 01:12:52

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BrutalMaster – Blossom – Skewered Face Cunt (08.10.23)

New Use For A Hole

When it comes to meat like Blossom, the bitch has three cunts, of course. There is the traditional cunt, which in HELL! is essentially the whore’s torture cunt. Then there is the primary cunt, which is the ass cunt, and finally, the third one, the face cunt, which has so many uses.

In HELL!, the face cunt is a urinal; it holds the clearer tool, sometimes called a tongue, and it can serve as a decent fuckhole once trained.

But today we are going to explore another use for the face cunt, as a humiliation toy. Blossom’s face cunt has been skewered with the addition of a few letters to adequately describe exactly what it is.a cunt.

This being HELL!, a skewered face cunt is not the only indignity and pain the whore has suffered today, you can see the marks on her bitch-body and the additional skewers. But, all in all, a skewered face cunt is something worth celebrating, even in HELL!

Blossom is a Skewered Face Cunt, just for you.

3.47 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:25:49

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