Insex – 2002.04.17 – Application (Live Feeds From June 29 and July 6, 2001) 411

The cage is His toy box and i am his toy. He keeps me in there to watch me languish as body weakens and mind breaks down. In the cage there is nowhere to hide. Every part is vulnerable and exposed. My bare skin presses up against the cold metal bars and my butt sticks through a gap in the floor. This is how he likes me, with everything accessible. I like it too, when he touches me and sticks things inside. But he only does this when he wants. For me there is nothing to do but wait. I hate waiting. Especially when I don’t know what it is I am waiting for.

2.60 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 01:47:49


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Insex – 2002.03.13 – The Trial (Live Feed from October 7, 2001) 411, YX

Her nose itched. Her hair, tangled and matted from how she fought so hard, had fallen across her face. The shackles, heavy and small for her wrists, bruised and pinched her skin each time the lorry hit another pothole. On purpose, she thought. The goddamn driver was getting off listening to them all, some crying, others senseless. Just screaming.

1.78 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 01:30:13


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Insex – 2001.08.04 – 411 Punctured (Live Feed August 3, 2001) 411, 101

411 and 101 return! Edited footage from their live feed in August of 2001 is great fun. When they’re not screaming from pain, even 411 and 101 laugh at their predicament. And as 411 crumples from laughter, 101 crumples from shocks to her cunt. Predicament torture, objectification, and 411’s permanent piercings, all in one neat package. It’s an Insex moment of agony, hilarity, and history you don’t want to miss.

1.10 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 00:46:54


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Insex – 2001.07.04 – 411’s Test

Would you know me if you saw me on the street? Would you recognize the animal lurking inside me, waiting to be released? Would you see it in my eyes? Would you tap your buddy on the shoulder, point, and whisper, “That, my friend, is a bondage slut?” Would you suspect that only two hours ago I was lying naked on a cold, concrete floor, bound and gagged and writhing in pain? Probably not. I wouldn’t believe it myself if I didn’t have the bruises to prove it.

1.14 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 00:45:21


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Insex – 2001.06.25 – Betty’s Toe Tug (Betty, 411)

When I arrived the day of my live feed I was sick with nervousness – it wasn’t a bad feeling – but as the day went on I was completely taken over by my nerves. I had no idea what to expect. When I finally got dressed, my ankles and wrists bound in metal and my head in the metal mask I became very calm. I stopped thinking about everything else and just listened to myself breath – and tried to be aware of all the different sensations – good or bad that I was feeling.

1.75 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 01:15:45


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Insex – 2001.06.04 – 411’s Insex Cheer (An Invitation) (Live Feed From June 3, 2001) 411, 101

Feels weird to wear this uniform again. Like I should be back in high school smoking cigarettes at the gas station before practice and teasing the boys by “accidentally” forgetting to cross my legs. In a way, this show is like tryouts.

1.10 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 00:49:26


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Insex – 2001.04.23 – Hook & Boot (Live Feed From April 21th, 2001) Yx, 411

Here I was, back for yet another show. While I felt the usual excitement, I also felt quite nervous. There were so many of my past successful shows to ‘top.’ Pd heightened my nervousness by locking me into this complicated metal-bondage setup and torturous metal boots. Maybe it wasn’t so bad least for this show I would be relieved of the anxiety that I usually felt during the beginning of a show. Normally, I think about all those watching and it makes me fidgety.

1.20 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 00:51:16


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Insex – 2004.07.14 – Princess Donna II (731, 120, Donna)

Princess Donna II rates a triple “wow” on the Insex barometer, delivering exotic 731 and lovely 120 into the Princess’s devilish hands. Princess Donna torturing young innocents while wearing her naughty skirts, her latex, and her spike-heeled lace-up boots is enough to make the strong collapse. Add 731’s face buried in the Princess’s royal pussy, and HRH Princess Donna’s fist buried in 120’s cunt. Go ahead. Slobber.

2.47 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 01:12:41


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Insex – 2004.04.10 – 7 Times Coming (Spacegirl, Donna)

Spacegirl makes a big comeback as she comes, and comes, and comes again. She takes it all, full metal immobilization, cunt and nipple electro-torture, clothespins stripped from her breasts with a whip, strangulation, latex bondage, caning, blood sport, cattle prod, and head to toe mummification. But it’s the milking machine that pushes the poor girl over the edge.

2.65 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 01:20:47


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