Gardening With Greyhound – Rachel Greyhound – 04.06.20

In this beautiful outdoor stream, Greyhound shows off her green thumb as she does some work out in the garden! With spring finally making it’s way to the Ranch our little creature heads outside to do a little gardening, dressed in only a cute little apron she starts out by using a garden rake to loosen up the dirt around the garden and move a few rocks then after working up a sweat she removes her apron and turns her attention to her vegetable garden. Greenthumb Greyhound spreads some potting mix in the garden then uses her garden rake to loosen up more dirt in front of the garden before turning on the hose to wet everything down before presenting down in the freshly dug dirt with her ass nicely on display to end the fun gardening stream!

550 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:44:12


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Yoga With Greyhound – Rachel Greyhound – 04.06.20

Bondage Life is proud to present: Yoga With Greyhound! A beautifully naked Greyhound starts this yoga session by crawling into view on all fours then obediently taking the present down position on her yoga mat before beginning to stretch and bend her body in various yoga positions then showcasing a few slave positions. After taking the squat present pose both facing towards and away from the camera Greyhound playfully licks and cleans her butt plug before inserting it into her ass then does some more stretching before coming full circle and ending the stream just as she started it, in the beautiful present down position!

201 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:49:13


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Cage Time (Sensory Deprivation Edition) – Rachel Greyhound – 04.06.20

What’s the best way for our little creature to relax?…. hooded and bound in her cage of course! In this stream a little sensory deprivation and cage time are in order for Greyhound as she finds herself strictly bound and hooded in her cage, with her sight and ability to speak taken away by the tight leather hood, her hands bound behind her back rendering them completely useless and with her ballet splints locked on her feet adding to her discomfort a helpless Greyhound is left to languish in her cage for the afternoon. Watch as she tries her best to fight off the discomfort from her bondage before nature calls and she is forced to painfully squat over her water bowl to relieve herself before finally finding a comfortable place to rest in her cage and putting her pussy nicely on display to end this great sensory deprivation stream!

529 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:43:17


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Pole Vibe – Rachel Greyhound, Rosie Dillion – 03.31.20

Rosie got bound to the same pole that Greyhound got bent over and shown the 50 states. It got lowered to an awkward height so she has to squat in a cute little uncomfortable pose. After allowing her enough time to struggle and determine that she was a helpless pet, we released the hound and let her have her way with Rosie. She makes the cutest noises as her clit is vibed uncontrollably!

88.5 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:10:57


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Some Ramblings (POV Edition) – Rachel Greyhound – 04.01.20

Today is a little different, it’s not, but it is. I know I’ve been needing to talk to everybody and I haven’t been able to write it down so I just wanted you to share a little of my evening with me. I thought maybe we could take a walk, just talk. I don’t know, I feel lucky to be able to get outside right now. I really appreciate everybody being on board with me and I want to be solid for all of you, all of this is really weird right now and I know it’s not just weird for me, I hope everybody is okay.

Like, I was worried about some weird personal stuff before all this happened and things just got weirder, right? So… it’s just another day right, the sun keeps rising, I know we’re all going to be ok but I can definitely empathize with everything right now and hope that everyone’s alright, I really appreciate all of you.

Some of you guys know a little bit about my background, some of you I know it’s still new. I don’t always talk about it, it’s uh, not something I always feel comfortable with but I was adopted and then I grew up with my adopted family on the east coast, my birth family is west coast. I met my dad, my birth dad when I was about 18 and he and I hit it off like nobody else in the family. My adoptive family was always really cool, they definitely treated me right all things considered but you know being adopted taught me a lot about family, family vs. blood and family as a whole and I have differing opinions about both but I’m really grateful for my adoptive family. I feel like in a since they launched me off kind of into all of this kink stuff, but you know what I love this so I can’t be ungrateful….

1.77 GB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:50:40


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Insex – Twitchy and Wet, Part 1 (Live Feed From April 2, 2005) (912) (2005.04.06)

912 and PD go nuclear in a face-slapping, cock-sucking, breast-bashing Live Feed that reeks of corporal like you’ve never seen corporal before. Pd whips, beats, slaps, and canes like the Hounds of Hell are nipping at his heels. You get the sense that 912 has promised herself, she won’t give in. This is play for the love of it, when you’ve blown away the limits and you don’t give a damn.

1.08 GB | 960 x 720 | mp4 | 00:56:51


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