There’s much more hot, sick, lovely video with Rebel and Brooke to come, but at the same time that I go through all the content from my earlier trips, I have been traveling through the South – yes, my first new trip since the pandemic hit! and have some really incredible adventures I want to start sharing as well. I’ll start with a opera singer getting beaten and assfucked while performing an “optimized” version of a renowned aria from Don Giovanni.
It all went down at a several-hundred acre ranch in Texas. I met up there with master rigger Leto and his submissive partner, a very pretty and accomplished opera singer who’s chosen to go by the name Julie July in her films for me. Julie has performed the role of the heroine in the opera Don Giovanni. This character sings an aria in which she pleads with her partner to beat her after he thinks he discovered her cheating on him. In the original opera, he declines to beat her, but in our version he seizes upon the opportunity to do so. I got some help on the lyrics for our version from someone who knows them a bit better than me and who shall remain unnamed. I like our version better, if I do so say.
What we have here, folks, is the same kind of performance you’d get at a “serious art institution.” It’s also hard sadomasochistic porn. Yeah, it’s both of those things. Some of us like to express ourselves fully, without either numbing our minds or losing our loins in the pages of Playbill.
939 MB | 2048 x 858 | mp4 | 00:22:30

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