Dust and Dirt – 09.07.20

In this great outdoor stream, our little creature gets down and dirty in the horse corral! Leashed and led out to the corral by Damon Pierce, our harnessed and gagged creature is given instructions by Damon then is sent off to complete her task of cleaning up the corral, she obediently makes her way around the corral and clears out all the large rocks and horse shit then uses her garden rake to smooth out and level the dirt. Once her task is complete it’s time for some pony training, watch as our little pony practices her leg lifts and prancing all while being given some encouragement from Damon and his nasty buggy whip then after her training she is tied to a post and given a much needed hose down to end this beautiful outdoor manual labor and training stream!

389 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:34:16


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Bondage Doll – 09.07.20

In this special stream, our little creature gets put into her pony gear by the great bondage rigger and BDSM expert Damon Pierce! After being led into the room by Damon, Greyhound has her leash removed and is immediately secured to the ceiling chain then after her mono cuff is released it’s time for her to get tacked up. After being dressed in leather garters and thigh cuffs, Damon expertly straps her into her beautiful pony harness before adding the final touches to her bondage with a nice bit gag turning our little creature into a beautiful pony!

151 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:22:50


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In A Bind – 09.07.20

Greyhound hasn’t had nearly enough rope in her life but the great Damon Pierce is here to change that in a big way! After our blindfolded creature is ordered to sit up on the padded leather board on top of the plexiglass box, Damon puts his expert rigging skills on full display and starts by binding Greyhounds tits in nice tight breast harness then places her face down on the padded leather board and begins to hogtie her. A helpless Greyhound has her ankles and feet tied and bound to her thighs then has them tied to the back of her breast harness securing her in a nice tight hogtie rendering her completely helpless. After her hogtie harness is secured to the ceiling, Damon removes Greyhounds blindfold and gags her then tortures the bottoms of her feet with two canes before finally releasing her from her bondage and ordering her to kiss his boots to end this great rope bondage stream!

384 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 01:11:55


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