BrutalMaster – 157 – Glory Hole Whore Interview (04.22.22)

157 is such a piece-of-shit whore that she does not even get a proper name, just a number.

This may be an “interrogation” movie, but it is really a confession movie, in which this worthless cunt confesses to many of the truly depraved things she has done and continues to do. To make it more fun, BrutalMaster bound her udders with electric dog collars and used a cattle prod on the cunt’s already brutalized udders.

In reality, the pain was really just to reinforce her abject need to suffer because she willingly brags about her exploits, especially in sucking off random strangers at a glory hole. In fact, she even provided video proof of her cock sucking prowess at a glory hole.

This is a bitch anyone can have, and so many have. Her udders and tortured, black and blue, her cunt is dripping, and her mouth seems to have a cock in it, well, a lot.

You can her all her confessions in 157 the Glory Hole Whore.

1.58 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:22:04

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BrutalMaster – Sunny Cheex – Beatem’ Ass (05.03.22)

Sunny Cheex is meat, we all know that. And she is back in the dungeon and this time it is her we are boing to Beatem’ That Ass!

For this bitch, this is an intense punishment and torture session. It helps that she has a beautiful ass that looks like it is made for beating and bruising.

Sunny is six feet tall, without her fuck-me, streetwalker, stripper heels. Stretched up against a concrete block punishment pillar in the dungeon, she looks like this is the place she was always meant to me.

We love seeing this cunt suffer in HELL! and we know you will, too.

Sunny Cheex, Beatem’ Ass!

1.26 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:17:39

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BrutalMaster – Greyhound – Training Day Pt.1 (04.24.22)

We call this Training Day, but in all honesty, Greyhound does not so much need training as reinforcement. She is a thing, a good thing, and she knows that.But putting a thoroughbred animal through its paces is also a great deal of fun and you are going to love watching it do what it does so well, serve.

This is Greyhound’s Training Day.

1.01 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:14:09

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BrutalMaster – Slave Filth – Harsh Tit Nailing (04.12.22)

You must wonder, truly wonder, what goes through the head of a slave as she sits, bound to a chair, with her huge udders tied up and on display knowing that in mere moments, those udders are going to be nailed down and then her pain-bags are going to be beaten until they no longer resemble a human breast.

You have to wonder.

But Slave Filth does not have to wonder. She knows exactly what goes through a bitch’s head because she is just such a bitch.

There is fear, anxiety, dread and, of course, lust. She knows she needs this, craves this and is gong to suffer from this. There are also conflicts, such as the conflict that as her udders are suffering in ways few have, her worthless and unused cunt is dripping.

This particular session has a bit of a surprise ending, but none-the-less, there is much more of it to come.

Slave Filth endures a Harsh Tit Nailing.

1.19 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:16:39

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Nelly – cuffed udders

Nelly is back and her udders have grown! They are big enough now to be locked in cuffs. Tight udder bondage helps to get forward pressure which can help to push milk out. Let’s see if it will work with Nelly this time. She gets bit gagged, handcuffed, and locked to a low milking frame. Nelly is then milked at high speed with the electronic breast training machine, until a drop of milk appears from her left udder. Success!! Nelly is definitely moving up in the ranks, with her increased udder size and induced lactation!

701 MB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:06:25

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BrutalMaster – Lita Lecherous – Her Tits Need Destruction (04.03.22)

The pig’s day started in a cage, as it should. When you think about it, every bitch who serves should start her day in a cage, or chained at the foot of the bed so she can be used as a piss and cum bucket or ass cleaner.

But today, Lita started her day in a cage. She watched as BrutalMaster set up a little something that would ultimately result in her agony. But that was a bit off. For now, she sits in her cage watching, waiting, and knowing her filthy cunthole was getting wetter and wetter.

Eventually, the whore is taken out and crawls to her punishment. Before long, she is secured and then her tits, her very nice, big tits become the target and, just like that, this is a cunt in agony, screaming, crying, blubbering and knowing she is exactly where she belongs.

Oh, yes, and specifically, all this has happened to Lita Lecherous because.

Her Tits Need Destruction.

(We are sure you understand.)

835 MB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:11:29

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BrutalMaster – Blossom – Whipped Bloody Fuckmeat (12.03.22)

This was shot as a request from a member. We love that, actually. Seriously, think how degrading it must be for a cunt like blossom, or any cunt really, to be tortured because of a casual Email some random guy sent. It is the height of degradation, really, that just the whim of a stranger can ultimately cause so much agony.And speaking of agony, this was pretty much a continuous bullwhipping of this worthless piece of shit bitch. In fact, this was the first time this cunthole was actually bullwhipped. As you can imagine, along the way, the cunt said a lot of very interesting things about how much she deserves to be treated like this.

To be clear, Blossom has no dignity, no pride, no morality, nothing that makes her human. As she describes herself, just a modified piece of shit who deserves to suffer the most extreme tortures and degradations.

We could not agree more which is why you can see…

Blossom as Whipped Bloody Fuckmeat

1.25 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:17:31

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BrutalMaster – Lilah Rose – Dreamy Beating (03.03.22)

First let’s get some definitions down here, by “dreamy” we mean this has a sort of dream-like quality to it. But for Lilah Rose, one of our favorites in HELL!, it is anything but a dream. It is a nightmare pure and simple. But it is also a nightmare that Lila knows she wants, needs, and deserves.

First she is whipped, sort of lightly, actually, as a type of instruction. but then BrutalMaster takes over and things take a decided turn, a turn towards brutality, agony, degradation, and destruction.

In other words, HELL!But what else would Lila Rose expect? This is HELL!, and this is where meat comes to suffer because in HELL! it is always a nightmare, even when it is a dream.

Lila Rose and her Dream Beating

1.44 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:20:05

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BrutalMaster – Lita Lecherous – So Much Pain (02.20.22)

If agony was rain, we would be building an ark, that is the level of punishment Lita Lecherous is enduring here. Let’s just remind everyone, Lita is a whore, literally and figuratively. And she completely and utterly understands she deserves punishment, at a base level.

This is her live, this is what she is, and this is what she knows must happen to her. Of course, it is not just the punishment, degradation, humiliation and torture, but also who is doing it and where it is happening.

In this case, BrutalMaster is the perfect punisher, the ultimate punisher, for this piece of meat. And the only real place for it to happen in HELL!

Lita is strapped to a metal table, straight-jacketed, and then it is ‘bring on the agony.’

It can be hard to watch, seeing someone so utterly destroyed. You can reconcile yourself that she knows this is her place, that this must happen, and that she deserves every scream producing indignity and insult.

Lita Lecherous, So Much Pain

1.45 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:20:17

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BrutalMaster – Blossom – Strappado Torture (02.09.22)

Strappado is a very real torture that makes any other form of abuse so much worse.

A bitch strung up, strappado style, and then beaten suffers from not only the beating but also the intense agony of the bondage itself.

In this case, Blossom is bound in strappado fashion (also known as corda) and then she is beaten black and blue all over her worthless body.

To increase her punishment weights are hung from her ear gauges and a few other little degradations are added. Of course, she understands that she truly deserves all this torture because she is a worthless cunthole piece of shit.

This is an incredibly intense session, long-lasting, and it shows just how depraved this cunt is.

This is what HELL! is all about and it is exactly what a fuckhole piece of meat like Blossom deserves.

Blossom and the Strappado Torture, only in HELL!

2.58 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:35:59

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