Morning Ritual – Rachel Greyhound – 04.13.20

It’s time for another edition of Greyhound’s morning ritual! Your favorite shackled and belted creature crawls into view to begin her daily ritual, a normally simple task made a little more difficult with her hands locked behind her back, nevertheless she slowly and carefully makes her way over to her beginning position and obediently reads her rules then after taking a few slave positions on her mat she begins her daily oral training. Watch as she erotically sucks and licks her black dildo while it’s attached to the mirror and then face up on the floor then once her oral training is complete she presents down then kneels obediently with her eyes down and legs spread to end her morning ritual!

201 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:48:26


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Toe Time With Greyhound – Rachel Greyhound – 04.13.20

In this lovely stream Greyhound practices a little self care and gives herself a pedicure! After offering a lovely kneeling side view profile your favorite creature obediently presents her pussy and ass for the camera then after flirting playfully with the camera she gets to the task at hand. Greyhound uses some cotton balls and nail polish remover to take off the old chipped purple polish on her toes then applies a clear coat, once that dries she then applies a beautiful new coat of bright red polish to her toes and displays them for the camera then after doing a squat present and displaying her pussy to the camera she applies another layer of clear coat to finish her pedicure then obediently takes the display position to end this lovely stream!

343 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:44:44


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Brutal Master – Greyhound – Daily Routine Of A Slave (04.01.20)

We could have called this piece so many things, but in the end, it is a portrait of a slave, going through her chores, her daily life. This is a stunning portrait of what a true submissive, a true slave does on a daily basis.

You have never seen anything like this.

It begins with Greyhound in chains. She is led outside to a punishment table where she is strapped down for her morning beating, after an appropriate time, she is released to do her chores around The Ranch. Of course, she is in heels and wears a ball gag during all this. In addition she is in a chastity belt.

Of course, she bears the marks of her earlier whipping through all this as well, always winding back in bondage. Greyhound and her daily routine, unlike anything else.

3.27 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:45:33


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BrutalMaster – Greyhound – Cow Stalls Beating (02.18.20)

Another incredibly intense session with Slave Greyhound from In this episode of her torment filled life, Greyhound is strung up in the HELL!’s barn cow stalls. She has been in them before but never like this.

She is mounted in the stall, facing out but with her perfect ass locked into place. We call this “Cow Stalls Beating,” but it is really much more than a simple beating. Greyhound’s beautiful ass is stuffed with a blow-up plug as well an inflatable dildo in her cunthole. She is tortured with electricity and after all that beaten until well bruised.

There is really no one like Greyhound! Greyhound can take a lot and shows it in Cow Stalls Beating.

3.00 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:41:48


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BrutalMaster – Greyhound – Bastinado And More (01.26.20)

If a picture is worth a million words, there are not enough words to describe the picture of Greyhound’s deep agony and suffering within this session. It is as straightforward as that.

It began as a simple bastinado torture, if the caning of soft cunt feet can ever be called simple. That is brutal agony enough but with BondageLife’s Greyhound in HELL! It’s never enough.

Greyhound ws lined up in ballet boots, her anguish feet screaming and then she was crushed on her legs until she was crying. You will only have to see it to really know the depth of the punishment. Eventually, in her own boots, Greyhound is left on the floor of the barn to consider her anguish.

This could be Greyhound in bastinado, however it’s also so much more.

3.13 GB | 1920 x 1080 | mp4 | 00:43:29


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Gardening With Greyhound – Rachel Greyhound – 04.06.20

In this beautiful outdoor stream, Greyhound shows off her green thumb as she does some work out in the garden! With spring finally making it’s way to the Ranch our little creature heads outside to do a little gardening, dressed in only a cute little apron she starts out by using a garden rake to loosen up the dirt around the garden and move a few rocks then after working up a sweat she removes her apron and turns her attention to her vegetable garden. Greenthumb Greyhound spreads some potting mix in the garden then uses her garden rake to loosen up more dirt in front of the garden before turning on the hose to wet everything down before presenting down in the freshly dug dirt with her ass nicely on display to end the fun gardening stream!

550 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:44:12


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Yoga With Greyhound – Rachel Greyhound – 04.06.20

Bondage Life is proud to present: Yoga With Greyhound! A beautifully naked Greyhound starts this yoga session by crawling into view on all fours then obediently taking the present down position on her yoga mat before beginning to stretch and bend her body in various yoga positions then showcasing a few slave positions. After taking the squat present pose both facing towards and away from the camera Greyhound playfully licks and cleans her butt plug before inserting it into her ass then does some more stretching before coming full circle and ending the stream just as she started it, in the beautiful present down position!

201 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:49:13


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Cage Time (Sensory Deprivation Edition) – Rachel Greyhound – 04.06.20

What’s the best way for our little creature to relax?…. hooded and bound in her cage of course! In this stream a little sensory deprivation and cage time are in order for Greyhound as she finds herself strictly bound and hooded in her cage, with her sight and ability to speak taken away by the tight leather hood, her hands bound behind her back rendering them completely useless and with her ballet splints locked on her feet adding to her discomfort a helpless Greyhound is left to languish in her cage for the afternoon. Watch as she tries her best to fight off the discomfort from her bondage before nature calls and she is forced to painfully squat over her water bowl to relieve herself before finally finding a comfortable place to rest in her cage and putting her pussy nicely on display to end this great sensory deprivation stream!

529 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:43:17


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