Nice And Close (Dildo Sucking Edition) – 05.17.21

In this sexy stream, Greyhound heats up your screens with a little dildo sucking and fucking! After seductively crawling into view our little creature eagerly presents her mouth and ass to the camera before turning her attention to the big blue dildo mounted to the side of the pipe frame behind her. A horned up Greyhound obediently licks and sucks the dildo as she practices her oral skills then soon turns her attention to her ass as she lubes it up and begins to ride the large dildo. Our little creature expertly rides the dildo like only she can then eagerly licks up her mess from the floor then obediently licks and cleans her large butt plug before inserting it into her ass and presenting it to the camera to end this great stream!

372 MB | 1280 x 720 | mp4 | 00:47:38

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