Painful Inverted Pleasures – Rachel Greyhound – Life 01.19.17

I’ve hardly ever been shocked suspended completely upside down, we’ve just recently aquired the capability to quickly suspend me as such. Apparently I am much more mentally terrified of the prod when dangling inverted with my clit and feet so helplessly exposed above me. I love the fact that my Owner can lock my ankles into the suspension cuffs and effortlessly invert me, regardless of silly protests. Let the girl just dangle like the object she is when she needs an additude adjustment. I will learn to be more obedient with my hands, I should never try to block my Owner when he is enjoying my body any way he deems fit.

177 MB | 638 x 358 | mp4 | 01:08:58

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Trolley Trials – Rachel Greyhound – Life 01.09.17

Today I spent quite a bit of time put away in my small suspended cage after my Owner had finished with me in the morning. He came back and checked on me shorlty before we went live on cam. I was already a bit figity with my toes locked and my neck strapped to the bars. It is challenging for me to be alone for long periods, although in a strange way I also crave the solitude. I almost begged for him to let me out as soon as I saw him, but I knew everyone would be watching me soon…and begging never works unless it’s begging for a stricter position or punishment. This thing never gets let out when she wants, her slavery is not about what she wants. This object exists to serve and please.
Even in my bondage I forget that sometimes.

175 MB | 640 x 480 | mp4 | 01:14:14

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In the net – Rachel Greyhound – Life 10.11.17

I have never been in a net before being strung up today. I have a secret mermaid fetish, it would have been something to be the captured helpless mermaid in the net. I think I was more a flopping fish this afternoon, quivering and gasping for air between orgasms. It felt so comforting in the net, encased and lifted, gently swinging in the dark before the camera was put on. I also felt incredibly vulnerable, my Owner could put me in the net anytime and nearly instantly I am reduced to a dangling packaged piece of caught girl meat. I think of having to spend time outs like that, strung up and swinging…just waiting for punishment. I didn’t mean to cum without premission today. I deserved the shocks I was given and will not repeat my mistake. I was a lucky thing to get to feel the vibrator and can’t wait to learn to follow all my rules.

219 MB | 800 x 448 | mp4 | 00:50:05

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Caged & Content – Rachel Greyhound – Life 01.15.17

Tonight our submissive friend Sasha came over so Master let me sleep in his room in my cage. I was a spoiled thing with my dog bed and even a small pillow. I was tired and fell asleep quickly behind the bars, this time the lights didn’t bother me. I really like the shadows from the bars. I like knowing I am being watched at bed time. I feel like my cage is where I belong. I am comfortable and happy to wait for someone to utilize me. I want to be a good girl. I had a nice surprise when Sasha came to check on me and pet me all over. She is so beautiful it makes me so excited, expecially presented as a caged objectified thing. I would like to be a good girl for her. I was so wound up after being checked on I was wide awake! Luckily I managed to settle back down and ended up sleeping very well. Master let Sasha sleep restarined and hooded in my bondage bed, I love thinking about her like that… Maybe one day my cage will be in the room with her and we will be restrained together.

116 MB | 800 x 448 | mp4 | 00:39:13

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